These species include the Great Hammerhead, the Smooth Hammerhead, Scalloped Hammerhead, Whitefin Hammerhead, Smalleye. The name “wobbegong” comes from an Australian Aboriginal word. It is a fast speed-swimming shark that has been called “the peregrine falcon of the sharks” in allusion to the fastest bird in the world. Sharks like the great white and goblin shark are found in deeper waters and tend to be more aggressive, not to mention difficult to take down. Sadly, there is proof that goblin sharks are eating trash that is discovered close to the ocean floor. 76 mph (0. October 13, 2012 Reply. Updated: 12/13/2022. This sturdy shark is abundant in the Caribbean, and because of its average features, is often confused with other requiem sharks. This unique-looking shark is easily identified by its long snout, protruding jaws, and semitranslucent skin. They’re pink! Of all the colours you’d associate with a goblin, I bet pink wasn’t one of them. Two of the largest sharks are the whale shark and basking shark. The Goblin shark can be easily identified by its long, flattened snout. This Sawshark’s long “nose” makes up about 20% of the body’s entire length. including dolphins, turtles, and even other sharks. Goblin sharks are benthopelagic creatures that inhabit upper continental slopes, submarine canyons, and seamounts throughout the world at depths greater than 100 m (330 ft), with adults found deeper than juveniles. 54 miles per hour. Like many species with a deep-sea affinity, scientists believe goblin sharks only come near the surface at night and spend most of their lives in the dark. Goblin sharks are distributed across the planet and can be found in regions like the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. This unique-looking shark is easily identified by. The Ampullae of Lorenzini is capable of picking up even the tiniest of electrical impulses produced when the muscles move. Although you’re more likely to get killed by lightning (or even cows who kill about 20 people yearly), the fear of death by a shark attack is universal. Their most distinctive feature is the jaw, which can actually be pushed forward until it protrudes from the mouth. There have been quite a few reported attacks by hammerheads and they certainly have the potential to be dangerous. Cute little guy. Endless Ocean 2 Sharks have predators, just like any other marine animal. . The most dangerous of all sharks is the great white. “We got there right as it was finishing. With an MSc zoology degree under his belt and possessing complete Search Engine Optimization (SEO) knowledge, he. At this time, scientists say humans do not have anything to fear from the goblin shark. Greenland Sharks are a variety of Sleeper Shark, so they also swim at a very slow pace of 0. It is certainly not the fastest of sharks, nor very powerful nor the largest, but the goblin shark has managed to create an aura of mystery around it. One of the more unique looking sharks is the hammerhead sharks. It is believed to be one of the oldest species of sharks, having existed since the Cretaceous period. The Goblin shark is a unknown shark. EMBRYOS CANNIBALIZE EACH OTHER. The short answer, the average swimmer is likely to encounter goblins attacking humans, even the goblin sharks, such as 0. Little is known about their behavior, reproductive cycle, or precise life span due to their rarity. 50: 69–72. Goblin sharks have rubbery skin rather than denticles, so lack the protection those tooth-like structures provide. See the fact file below for more information on Goblin Sharks, or you can download our. Thankfully, their slow swimming speed. Goblin sharks live in the depths of the ocean. Scientific name: Cetorhinus maximus. They are found in shallow temperate and tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean, chiefly around Australia and Indonesia, although one species (the Japanese wobbegong, Orectolobus japonicus) occurs as far north as. It also has a distinctive color that ranges from pinkish grey to purplish grey. The program used long lines and baited drumlines to catch potentially dangerous sharks, which were then relocated and released and tended to swim away from protected beaches [26]. The largest frilled shark male on record measured 1. This specimen that washed up on a Greek beach was supposedly a baby shark. 3 m/s). Get details about their size and aggressiveness. Interesting Thresher Shark Facts. Great Hammerhead Shark Large predators with a hammer-shaped head. Some specimens would have a combination of black and white dots alongside the bars. There are 13 species of lamniform sharks alive today; these include mako sharks (the Isurus genus), deep-sea goblin sharks (Mitsukurina), and thresher sharks (Alopias), as well as great whites. Nightmare Face: In-game, the goblin shark's face is so terrifying that it causes divers to hallucinate an illusionary goblin shark. Not aggressive (but potentially dangerous) Bonnethead Shark. There have been no documented cases of a larger goblin shark being captured than 210 kilograms, which measured 12. The three major oceans have been home to a variety of shark species. Sharks range in form from the bizarre goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni), most commonly encountered in Japan, to the gentle filter-feeding whale shark (Rhincodon typus). Some shark species like the great white shark are. Hazin & Afonso [26] found that, over a four-year. . Aggressive. Copy. Because they live so deep under the water, there are. The shortfin mako shark – nicknamed ‘the cheetah of the ocean’ – is one of the world’s fastest sharks and can reach speeds of up to 45 mph. freshwater angelfish are distant cousins to marine angelfish. Though they are one of the largest predatory sharks in the ocean, measuring up to a whopping 24 ft (7. 01 mile) as measured by a floating ruler, which was a speed of 24. . People who have had the opportunity to swim with Whale sharks often report that they feel calm and relaxed in. Mitsukurina Owstoni, or commonly known as goblin shark, is quite a rare species of shark to be found on the surface of any aquatic area. Goblin Shark. 5 cm in total length, TL) and 56 females (92. 921. No, they are fish. ” It has been swimming around our deep oceans for over 125 million years. How Many Goblin Sharks Are Left. 2. Goblin sharks are not dangerous to humans. Although the Goblin Shark is not dangerous to humans, it primarily feeds on fish, mollusks, and crabs. A deep-water dweller by nature, the goblin shark is a rarely seen oddity. However. 66 feet (264 cm), making it the largest adult. 921. The “living fossils” of the Goblin shark, also known as the “ ghost shark ,” are a rare sight in the wild but not dangerous to humans. 6 meters) long, goblin sharks are hefty creatures, weighing in at about 400 pounds (181 kilograms) [source: Florida Museum of Natural History]. They went extinct around 260 million years ago. Though they are one of the largest predatory sharks in the ocean, measuring up to a whopping 24 ft (7. Their eyes are large and have protective third eyelids. The first name is Greek in origin, from the word prion meaning ‘saw’ and akis meaning ‘point’ referring to its conical nose and teeth. It has a uniquely defined snout that resembles a rather nasty goblin, but its odd-looking, protruding forehead is actually remarkable, as it contains a special sensing organ full of. Reaching up to 12 feet long and weighing as much as 460 pounds, these pink-hued creatures are massive. The deep-sea anglerfish is angry-looking and ranked as one of the ugliest sea creatures. Its lineage is ancient and dates back 125 million years, earning it the nickname "living fossil. A Goblin shark has been discovered in a variety of parts of the world, including the three major oceans. Sharks with sharp teeth are not dangerous to humans, but they primarily consume fish, mollusks, and crabs. How dangerous is a goblin shark? sharks aren't that dangerous they attack humans if they are scared. Lastly, “shark compatibility” refers to how a species would interact with other creatures in a tank. RealityThere are bioluminescent sharks, mother sharks (which stay pregnant for as much as two years), hound- and cat sharks, goblin sharks, even a carpet- and nurse shark. (but are potentially dangerous) Southern Lanternshark: 0. Tier 1: Hallucination Health: 1; Tier 2: Hallucination Health: 60; Tier 3: Hallucination Health: 120;Well the goblin shark’s jaw is basically loaded in a slingshot. In fact, our startlingly low knowledge of goblins and many other deep-sea sharks means that we might be doing far more harm to them than we even know. they look dangerous but their not they are possibly harmless and shy. SRI conducts and sponsors rigorous, peer-reviewed field research about sharks and. very uncommon and likely the strangest looking. Goblin sharks can extend their jaws out almost as far as their snout tip, and they can open up their massive mouth to a 111-degree angle to catch prey of significant. Since goblin sharks likes to swim in deep water, they are not dangerous to humans at all. They have very rough skin similar to a Sharpedo, but are nearly unmatchable in speed underwater. The Goblin Shark Is not as Scary as It Looks. Goblin sharks are a rare deep-sea shark species, primarily found off the coast of Japan. Conservation. Greenland Shark. The structure of the goblin shark’s teeth allows it to tear apart its potential victim or inflict deep wounds. The Megamouth shark is a species of rare deep-water shark from the family of Megachasmidae. Goblin sharks are a rare species of deep-sea shark that are sometimes referred to as "living fossils. The goblin shark lives at depths of several thousand feet and gets its name from Japanese legends of dangerous creatures with long noses and red faces. 6 feet (3. The goblin sharks live in deep water, far from contact with humans, making them relatively harmless. And that comes with risks, not just for goblin sharks, but for the whole delicate balance of deep-sea life. Perhaps the most unfortunate reason why there are so many. Bonnethead Shark. But This species is not known to attack humans and is in fact considered to be one of the least dangerous sharks in regards to human safety. The long snout of goblin sharks is covered with the ampullae of Lorenzini. Chain Catshark. Is a goblin shark dangerous to humans? The goblin shark seldom comes in contact with humans; however, because of its large size, it could. But often times, they are seen near the surface as well. Spinner Sharks. In general, sharks can live between 20 and 30 years at sea. Dating back to 125 million years, Goblin Sharks are the oldest known living species of shark on the planet. 10 Basking Shark. It only lives in the deep water with only little light. 6m and females around 1. Why is the Goblin Shark Pink in Color? Don’t get it wrong. It is not particularly dangerous to humans because it lives in extremely deep water far from us. Like many animals both on land and in the sea, they will react to being spooked. They are most frequently encountered on the upper continental slope where the ocean begins to deepen, somewhere between 890 – 3,150 ft. The last living member of the 150 million year old Mitsukurinidae family, the Goblin Shark. A goblin shark tooth has been located lodged in an undersea cable at a depth of 4,490 feet. Not considered to be dangerous to humans, spinner sharks are nearly threatened due to overfishing. These ancient Mackerel Sharks, dwell deep below the surface at depths of 890-3,150 ft (270-960 m), though they have been caught as deep as 4,300 ft (1,200 m). The feeding method is very curious: although this species is rather small, it uses the unique teeth in its round mouth to take cookie-sized bites from the flesh of larger marine creatures, like dolphins. This depends on the genetics and environment of the animal. 2: Crabs: Crabs are rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and. The Goblin Shark – The Scariest of All Deep Sea Animals. In all reality, goblin sharks along with being dangerous are not at all considered to be cute animals. -Carl Moore / NOAA. Goblin sharks live at the bottom of the ocean where little light. Riding whale sharks is stupid and dangerous. On top of this dorsal fin was a growth. Wobbegong is the common name given to the 12 species of carpet sharks in the family Orectolobidae. 2 metres) in length. Dragon Sharks are a large and dangerous type of shark. Salmon shark: Salmon sharks can be very dangerous to humans. There aren’t any pink pigments on a Goblin Shark. The experiment validated Casagrande’s method, but the speed is. Goblin sharks are extremely rare deep-sea creatures that are often referred to as "living fossils" due to their dinosaur-like appearance and the fact that their species can be traced back 125 million years, making. Hammerhead Shark. COOKIECUTTER SHARK:. The dragon sharks have clawed. Lemon Shark. The blue shark was named Prionace glauca by naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1758. This elusive creature is often found in the depths of the ocean, making it difficult for. Though they are one of the largest predatory sharks in the ocean, measuring up to a whopping 24 ft (7. Carl Moore / NOAA. Goblin Sharks get their name from their unusual faces that have characteristically long noses and protruding jaws, making them resemble the mythical creature, a goblin. Two of the largest sharks are the whale shark and basking shark. It often swims through the ribcage of the whale skeleton that adorns the area. These creatures dwell at the bottom of the ocean near the edge of a continent. The larger Broadnose sixgill shark is primarily a nocturnal deep water shark often reported from depths of 100 - 600 fathoms (1 fathom = 6 ft = 1. The lineage of the Sandtiger Shark dates back almost as far as that of the Goblin Shark, around 97 to 112 million years ago, and its earliest known ancestor,. . Are goblin sharks mammals? No, they are fish. Many scientists see the bull shark as the most dangerous shark in the world because they can live in both freshwater and salt water and they live in close proximity to where people are. With its oversized snout and a mouthful of jagged teeth, the goblin shark certainly doesn’t look like a friendly shark species, but experts say it’s a lot less scary than it appears. WHALE SHARK. Goblin shark (scientific name Mitsukurina owstoni ) is a species of shark rarely seen, as it inhabits deep waters up to 1,200 meters deep. Goblin sharks have very slow reproductive rates, and female goblin sharks may not reach sexual maturity until they are over twenty-five years old. Dragon sharks are a large, dangerous shark. They once preyed on the megalodon. Of all the sharks on this list the hammerhead, and in particular the great hammerhead shark ( Sphyrna mokarran) are the only one to have a fatal attack attributed to them. Goblin sharks employ their jaws to hunt fast-moving prey in low-light ocean depths. Goblin Sharks are the oldest shark species still living. The lamnoids include some of the most spectacular and popular sharks. Facts about the Frilled shark - Chlamydoselachus anguineus from. Goblin Sharks have been found in all three of the major oceans. The Goblin shark wasn’t discovered until 1898, and it looks like a modern dinosaur. The great hammerhead shark in particular is known as being the most aggressive and when food is scare, they will eat other hammerhead sharks, and even its own young to survive. Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain. Goblin Shark. 5. 25 of the Most Dangerous Animals in the World. Goblin Sharks. Wobbegong is the common name given to the 12 species of carpet sharks in the family Orectolobidae. If you want to hunt one of the more dangerous sharks, like a Tiger Shark, then you’ll also need to build a raft so you can sail out to shark hunt. The shark gets its name from its pink dorsal coloration. Goblin sharks might look like a nightmare, but there's so much to learn about them! This episode of Animal Fact Files discussed goblin shark facts. Goblin sharks swim in the deep sea and are distinguished by their long snout. This helps them avoid dangerous prey items, which might have a bad taste. According to the International Shark Attack File, the Tiger shark ranks No. On average, males range from 3. A great white shark can lose up to 35,000 teeth in its lifetime. The rare goblin shark lives at the bottom of the ocean, and stalks the waters along continental shelves. Blue Shark. The goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) is a rare shark that can reach over ten feet / 3 meters in length. Great whites are enormous,. The rare goblin shark is known as a “living fossil” because it was once thought to be extinct and its body has evolved very little over 125 million years. Goblin shark's skin/scales have the ability to. At about 6. Any truly dangerous shark that size, even as a juvenile, would have bitten clear through the neoprene and at least cut flesh. Swimming is a dangerous sport in most ocean conditions, and if you stop doing it, you will drown. 909what do you know about sharks? b OUTLINE Each orange question is a subheading that introduces a new main idea. This is higher than any other crocodile species. The smalltooth sand tiger or bumpytail ragged-tooth (Odontaspis ferox) is a species of mackerel shark in the family Odontaspididae, with a patchy but worldwide distribution in tropical and warm temperate waters. Some sharks may have bursts of speed up to 23 miles per hour; however, most sharks maintain a cruising speed of about 5. Goblin sharks live a surprisingly peaceful life, rarely venturing far from home during the day. Thresher sharks are solitary creatures that keep to themselves. A Goblin shark has been discovered in a variety of parts of the world, including the three major oceans. The goblin shark, also known as Mitsukurina owstoni, is a rare and fascinating species of deep-sea shark that has been around for over 125 million years. Despite its unusual appearance, little is known about this incredible creature, including its conservation status. That's the goblin shark, an aptly named monstrosity from your worst nightmares. To catch cephalopods, goblin sharks use their highly developed senses and powerful jaws to crush their prey. 6 feet (3. A full grown Goblin Shark will be from 8 feet to 12 feet in length, with females usually being larger than the males. The typical lifespan in the wild for Hammerhead Sharks is from 20 to 30 years approximately. Published October 8, 2015. 9 feet; the maximum these sharks can reach is 6. The goblin shark seldom comes in contact with humans; however, because of its large size, it could be potentially dangerous. and if a player loses track of just how many sharks are in. Great white sharks are the most dangerous predator fish on the planet. 1) Goblin Shark. In shallow waters, players risk being attacked by tiger sharks and hammerheads, and deeper waters have goblin sharks and great whites. This deep-sea dwelling shark is rarely seen by humans, as it. Young goblin sharks are ready to hunt as soon as they are born. It reaches a length of 2. The shark which the fisherman's crew dubbed a "living fossil" has a large bulging spike on its skull protruding from its face. Wiki User. Goblin Shark: Aggressive: Open Sea ~6 Hits: 3x Large Meat and 3x Rawhide: Whale Shark: Passive: Open Sea ~10 Hits: 3x Large Meat and 3x Rawhide: Tiger Shark: Aggressive: Shallow. In the wild, their life expectancy is 30 years. According to Smithsonian Ocean, the goblin shark’s jaw can be quickly. Sharks come in all shapes and sizes, from the 17m whale shark to the 20cm dwarf lanternshark and from bizarre-looking sharks such as the hammerhead to the horrendously ugly goblin shark. Goblin sharks have a protruding snout that looks like a pointy sword. Conservation efforts. The goblin shark has a lot of unique characteristics. 8 meters), and females can reach up to. The ghost shark broke away from other sharks and rays about 300 million years ago. Males can reach up to lengths of 12. Sharks can move comfortably during their transportation to their next habitat. The goblin shark ( Mitsukurina owstoni) is a rare, poorly-known species of deep-sea shark. Urea is a natural waste byproduct from protein consumption that is processed through the kidneys. Although Greenland sharks are quite dangerous to sea creatures, they are seldom viewed as a danger to humans. Goblins eat fish and crabs with is safe for the Goblin shark diet. They are commonly known as ghost or demon catsharks. Shark Research Institute PO Box 40, Princeton, NJ 08542, USA 609. Great White Shark. 10. Male sharks have two fin extensions, called claspers, that they use to deliver sperm into a female sand tiger shark's two uteri, both of which are capable of. I was a born a shark, I identify as a shark, but according to the nice fisherman who just caught me, I’m just a baby. It has a track record of 333 human attacks with 52 resulting in death. The two short movies below show small specimens in Japan. The goblin shark has a huge. The goblin shark is not commercially fished, and it is only caught inadvertently in fisheries aimed at other species. Proc Calif Acad Sci (Ser 3) 1: 199–2041. The bad news for beach-goers is that parts of the ocean are teeming with bacteria—including that of the flesh-eating variety. The International Shark Attack File lists just 10 unprovoked lemon shark bites, none of which. Believe it or not, bull sharks were actually the inspiration for the shark from Jaws, not a great white shark. In fact, there are actually zero records of a Goblin Shark attack!The Goblin Shark, which is sometimes referred to as a living fossil, is a type of shark that is found in the deep sea. These sharks love the warm, tropical waters all over the world. As with some other mackerel sharks, goblin sharks take their prey down by ramming it. 25 of the Most Dangerous Animals in the World. 921. This ability is used during feeding when the goblin shark will extend its jaw to the end of its long snout to grab fish—and fast. Only one extant species (Mitsukurina owstoni) is known, on the basis of a few specimens, although fossils of. Goblin sharks might be one of the nightmares of the ocean, but they pose no harm to humans. Goblin sharks are rarely encountered by humans, so not much is known about their behavior. Copy. Goblin sharks are sluggish due to their flabby body and small fins. It’s when the jaws then explode from the face and engulf an unlucky fish that these slingshot. After death, their entire body becomes swollen with blood and turns bright. Its mandibular joints (the joints you can feel next to your ears) have two sets of super elastic ligaments. 6 meters) long, goblin sharks are hefty creatures, weighing in at about 400 pounds (181 kilograms) [source: Florida Museum of Natural History]. The methods of hunting in this predators. They serve as homes for countless fish and. Sharks swim so fast because their tails swing from side to side. The Goblin Shark is a demersal (dwelling at or near the bottom) to mesopelagic inhabitant of outer continental shelves & slopes found at depths ranging from 40-1,200 meters. Despite their similarities, the Goblin and Dragon sharks are far more distinct deep sea creatures. These pink animals can reach 3. Be aware that even oysters can carry dangerous flesh-eating bacteria! 20. The majority of goblin sharks studied by humans have been caught as bycatch in commercial fishing, and plenty of people may not even know that they exist. Contrary to their menacing appearance, goblin sharks are not aggressive or dangerous to humans. The animal's skull appears to be completely separate from the jaws of the shark much lower on its face. Although the Goblin Shark is not dangerous to humans, it primarily feeds on fish, mollusks, and crabs. Just below the snout are a set of protruding jaws that appear to be mismatched for the shark's face, as if evolution spun the wheel of ugly and the goblin shark lost in the worst possible way. In fact, they are so rare that there have been no. Their few known threats are the accidental catch, mainly on the coasts. However, there is a difference as the upper teeth are stout and triangular, while the lower teeth are narrower, though both have. Whale Shark. Unlike other sharks, goblin sharks are able to protrude their jaws and. 3. 2 inches. There is no way to contact it, and it lives in extremely deep water far from humans, so it is thought to be an unreliable swimmer and a poor thinker. Basking sharks are passive and no. Wiki User. -Carl Moore / NOAA. The large and monstrous basking shark can grow to more than 10 metres long, making it the second largest fish in the ocean. There have been reports of Goblin sharks being discovered in various parts of the world in recent years. no, goblin sharks are not extinct, though they were thought to be extinct for about 100 million years. The Goblin Shark, a fascinating aquatic species, is one of the world’s most fascinating creatures. Males can reach up to lengths of 12. Do humans hunt goblin sharks? The Goblin Shark has an unusual hunting method. Greenland Shark. Only one extant species (Mitsukurina owstoni) is known, on the basis of a few specimens, although fossils of. goblin shark, rare species of shark belonging to the family Mitsukurinidae (order Lamniformes). Bull Shark (Simple version) A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark can live in fresh water rivers and lakes. Diet and Hunting Habits. 35m. Do humans hunt goblin sharks? The Goblin Shark has an unusual hunting method. 9 to 419. And So Many More Scary Fish! New species are always being discovered, and the deeper we look, the weirder. It is considered a “living fossil” and has been around for approximately 125 million years. . Brown or gray above, paler below, with a light. 5 meters) in length and can gain a weight of 135. Bull Sharks. The Goblin Shark, a species of deep-sea shark belonging to the family Mitsukurinidae, is named after the animal. Although the term "sharkskin" is used, the smooth look of their bodies is not from their skin. However, it has been found hunting between. "The evidence was a photo of a supposed goblin shark on a beach (below) that a scientist. Just below the snout are a set of protruding jaws that appear to be mismatched for the shark's face, as if evolution spun the wheel of ugly and the goblin shark lost in the worst. The tiger shark has one large and one small dorsal fin. Bluntnose Six-Gill Shark. 9–5. The last living member of the 150 million year old Mitsukurinidae family, the Goblin Shark. They’re named after mythical goblins from Japanese folklore and can be found mainly off the coast of Japan. Strikes fear in the divers, causing them to hallucinate another goblin shark. Goblin sharks are super cool. The Goblin Shark, which is sometimes referred to as a living fossil, is a type of shark that is found in the deep sea. Nurse Shark. As it is. Growing up to 10 feet long, these deep-sea dwellers are rarely seen by humans, adding to their enigmatic reputation. The Goblin Shark is a rare species in the family Mitsukurinidae (order Lamniformes) that lives at the bottom of the ocean along continental shelves. The man had part of his leg bitten off by the shark and had to have emergency assistance. Goblin shark, rare species of shark belonging to the family Mitsukurinidae (order Lamniformes). Unlike most sharks, the Chain Catshark has green and yellow eyes that are more reptilian or feline than shark-like. The goblin shark ( Mitsukurina owstoni) is a rare, poorly-known species of deep-sea shark. A rare goblin shark —a "living fossil" that closely resembles ancient shark species —was caught alive recently in Tokyo Bay, only to die within days. 2. They are often the bycatch of deep bottom trawls and gillnets, and are utilized for fishmeal and meat. 6 feet long. ∙ 10y ago. Unfortunately, they cannot be kept in captivity, surviving merely a few days to a week under such conditions. —Rare 1,760-pound goblin shark pregnant with 6 pups trawled up. Because they live so deep under the water, there are still a lot of unknowns about this creature. Its jaws are protrusive, and the inside contains 35 to 53 rows of upper teeth and 31 to 62 rows of lower teeth. The goblin shark feeds mainly on teleost fishes such as rattails and dragonfishes. They likely use their electrode-sensitive rostrum to detect. 27). 8. The goblin shark feeds mainly on teleost fishes such as rattails and dragonfishes. Its unusual pink hue is due to blood. The goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) is a rare, poorly understood species of deep-sea shark. Those imprints demonstrate. Due to its deep-sea habitat, humans don't encounter it very often in the wild, but it is luckily not a very fast swimmer, nor an adept pursuit predator.